Dani's Services

Whether consulting with executive leadership at a Fortune 500 Company,

coaching a mother of three through a dark night of the soul, leading a Language of Healing workshop at a wellness conference, or teaching teen homeschoolers about propaganda and media literacy, Dani’s intention is always the same: to support people in empowering themselves, getting out of their own way, and claiming their freedom and agency as reality creators.

Her coaching and consulting offerings are a fantastic opportunity to work with Dani, herself, while her one-of-a-kind courses and webinars are chock-full of paradigm-shattering insights, and tangible tools we can all start implementing immediately to change ourselves and our world for the better.


Transmute perceived limitations, embrace your authenticity and claim your power and your agency as a reality creator.


Claim your power,

agency + authenticity

Work one-one-one with Dani to transmute blocks + limiting beliefs, write a new story for yourself and our world, and claim your power, your voice, your authenticity and your sovereign agency.

Or, bring Dani into your organization to up-level your efficacy, impact, harmony and profit.


Learn, Grow, Expand, Soar

Delve into Dani’s paradigm-shifting courses, designed to open your mind and expand your consciousness, and to empower, uplift and inspire you while accelerating your personal evolutions, and your impact in the world.

From Quantum Languaging to media literacy, Dani’s one-of-a-kind educational offerings will transform the way you see the world, and your self.

Public Speaking

Dive Into Inspiration

Dani offer talks, workshops, webinars and livestreams customized to your business or endeavor. She loves working closely with organizations – honing in on your specific goals, challenges, tone, vibe and team – to create a pitch perfect, just-right presentation that addresses your specific aims and intentions. She also offers in-person presentations, as well as virtual versions, and am available to speak at conferences, festivals, private gatherings and special events.


Having prioritized my commitment to personal and planetary awakening eons ago, I have since worked, studied, and apprenticed with countless coaches, therapists, teachers, shamans, mystics, masters, healers, practitioners and medicine men/women, while cultivating and refining an expansive array of tools, techniques and modalities, all in service to knowing, mastering, liberating and empowering myself, while supporting others in doing the same.

My coaching offerings are tailored for expansive, high-level thinkers, be-ers and doers, who are committed to their evolution, and are serving the betterment of humanity and planet Earth. To this end, I work with a select handful of leaders, entrepreneurs, high-performers, transformation agents and creatives with big missions, and massive gifts to share with the world.

My work is for you, if you:

  • Know you incarnated to have a major impact on the world/humanity, and yet, you’re not (yet) taking action to this end.

  • Are successfully sharing your incredible gifts with the world, but you’re sacrificing other aspects of yourself and your life in the process, while feeling utterly disenchanted with your “success”/life.

  • Have done A TON of work on yourself, and have unraveled soooo many shadows, while amassing soooo many tools, and yet, your life isn’t reflecting all the spoils and wonderfulness that are your birthright, and that you’ve worked so hard for.

  • Are tired of playing small, people-pleasing, compromising your truth, and twisting yourself into countless pretzel-like shapes while trying to fit into a reality construct that makes no sense to you, and can’t seem to handle your complicated totality.

  • Are over biting your tongue, playing it safe, keeping the peace and sleepwalking your way through tired old relationship dynamics that are no longer satisfying or authentic to who you are now.

  • Are ready, willing and jonesing for a radically different way of living, being, and moving through the world.

I offer coaching packages and single sessions. Message me to schedule a free discovery call to learn more below.


As a quantum communications consultant, Dani helps cutting-edge companies and organizations optimize their communications culture to achieve greater impact, efficacy, harmony, and profit, while guiding individuals to empower themselves and actualize their potential.

Whether consulting remotely or onsite, Dani's care, commitment, and mastery, combined with proven methods, tools, and experience, allow for the identification and elimination of distorted communication patterns that hinder the mission, sabotage impact and profits, alienate clients and customers, and undermine morale and coherence.

Once issues are illuminated, Dani supports teams and individuals in upgrading their communication patterns and protocols to exponentially amplify efficacy, impact, innovation, and profit, as well as foster coherent, mutually respectful, and empowering relationship dynamics.

Dani also works with start-ups seeking to establish a culture of empowerment, mutual respect, and next-level innovation from the outset, while attracting the funding, support, and team members that will allow their projects and companies to thrive.

Because every organization is unique, my consulting services are custom-tailored to the client’s specific needs and aims, including:

  • delivering talks

  • facilitating workshops

  • mediating conflict

  • teaching + implementing quantum languaging protocols for teams, departments, and entire organizations

  • advising on copy, internal communications and generalized positioning/framing

  • consulting directly with CEOs and executive leadership on day-to-day flow and operational upgrades

Empower Yourself

Sign up for Dani's Webinars & Digital Courses

How to Empower Yourself (+the World) with Your Every Word

Uncover the unconscious languaging habits that have you feeling stuck, playing small and getting in your own way, while learning how to upgrade your communications to empower, inspire, uplift and thrive.

In this game-changer of a workshop, you will learn:

  • how language creates our reality

  • how every word vibrates at its own unique frequency

  • the various ways that words function to expand and contract, empower and enslave

  • how cultural engineers attempt to disempower us through language and media

  • simple languaging hacks and communication tools that include, expand and empower both speaker and audience alike

This 3-hour recorded workshop offers must-have tools and insight for new paradigm leaders, planetary superheroes, visionary
leaders, change-makers and empowered badasses.”

"Dani is a fierce cheerleader for linguistic exactitude & the transformation possible therein. In her Quantum Languaging workshop she lovingly encourages small but mighty ways that we might reframe our languaging, and in so doing, alchemize our lives in meaningful and tangible ways. She is a fantastic orator, with a compelling case for clarity. I very much look forward to continuing to learn from her."

-Erica Morton Magill, Co-Founder
Los Angeles Yoga Club


Oh, hey there, free-thinking rebel!

  • Feeling enslaved by a jacked-up system attempting to steal your life force and your civil liberties?

  • Feeling disempowered by the matrix, the Man and the MSM, along with mind-controlled big-mouths trying to tell you how to think, vote, speak and care for your own body?

  • OVER feeling small, unseen, undervalued, unappreciated and over put-upon by your friends, family, colleagues and community?

  • Ready to STOP victimizing yourself to your external reality, regardless of how it organizes itself?

"Dani’s Language of Sovereign Authority webinar was downright AWESOME. I’m loving playing with language to call in a more expansive, unshakeable, fun and embodied experience of sovereignty.

With the Powers that Shouldn’t Be attempting to coerce us on the daily to betray ourselves, I’m grateful for these new languaging hacks to empower me to dismiss this BS through joyfully and intentionally claiming the power and truth that is my birthright. Thank you, Dani!"


The language of healing

a Quantum Languaging Webinar

The Language of Healing is a life-changing, superhero tool that accelerates the healing process, allowing us to relinquish dis-ease altogether, and thrive.

Learn how to transmute illness and injury by programming your body with the frequencies of optimal health and well-being in this fun, potent and illuminating 2-hour livestream.

You will come away with a number of simple, practical tools that will allow you to shift your mindset and your frequency, and to reprogram your body/mind for swift healing, optimized functioning, amplified vitality, and so much more…

“This is important work and piece in the healing puzzle.”

-Dr. Amy Amelia Hardwick


11-module digital course

Hey there, free-thinking rebel badass! Are you:

  • concerned about the extent of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation and straight-up lies coming out of the media sphere?

  • frustrated with friends and family who STILL can't see what's really going on in the world?

  • wanting a surefire way to decipher fact from fiction and truth from propaganda while safeguarding your critical thinking and sovereign agency?

I get it, and I got you...

"Dani’s class helped me to notice propaganda out in the world... Now that I understand how propaganda works, I feel a greater sense of empowerment. I highly recommend Dani’s class, and look forward to her next one."

- Wyatt, 16

"Pop Propaganda is Shayla’s favorite class right now. She appreciates you as a teacher, your teaching style and the content… This class is so necessary in this climate to foster and encourage critical thinking."

- Kasia, Parent

“Dani's Pop Propaganda should be mandatory for anyone struggling to make sense of our rapidly changing world...”

- Mikki Willis
Filmmaker, Plandemic

Public Speaking

Let’s Get Your Tribe EMPOWERED!

With her sparkly, can-do sass, her deeply inspired wisdom, and her infectious enthusiasm, Dani has quickly become a highly coveted, epically adored speaker. Whether she’s giving a corporate talk on the language of collaboration, or speaking at a festival about evolving our culture out of hierarchy altogether, Dani’s humor, facility with language, and raw authenticity consistently render her a crowd favorite, as she is told – time and time, again: Wow. That thing you said changed my life.

Dani has a knack for taking complex, abstract concepts and grounding them into accessible, digestible morsels that everyone can understand and relate to. Ever and always focused on root causes and solutions, Dani tailors her talks and presentations toward solutions and empowerment, intending as she does for everyone present to walk away with a tangible treasure they can immediately implement to transform themselves and the world for the infinitely more wonderful.

Dani is your go-to speaker for:

  • Keynotes

  • Virtual Education

  • Transformational/Human Potential Events + Communities

  • Masterclasses

  • Trainings

  • Corporate Retreats + Education

  • Teambuilding | Wellness Events + Conferences

  • Motivation + Inspiration

And is uniquely and singularly qualified to educate and address:

  • Entrepreneurs | CEOs

  • Leaders

  • Fortune 500 Companies

  • Teams

  • World Leaders

  • Public Speakers

  • Healing Practitioners

  • Educators

  • Disruptors

  • Optimizers

  • Visionaries

  • Culture-Shapers

  • Paradigm-Shifters

About topics like:

  • How Language Programs Reality

  • Transforming Ourselves + Our World with Our Words

  • Personal Empowerment + Sovereign Agency

  • The Weaponization of Words

  • Propaganda + Social Engineering

  • Evolving Our Culture Out of Hierarchy

  • Moving from Victimhood to Empowerment

  • Masculine/Feminine Polarities

  • Mindset + Frameshifts

“Understanding that words have vibrations and those vibrations have power and potency is a revelation. Conversations with my colleagues have moved to a higher level of relating and collaboration. Word choice has become specific and directional, and dialogues are now empowering.”

- Deb Peat, Intellectual Ventures

"Dani is expanded, in the sense that she opens things up wider, and points to things that exist, but which most of us don’t see. She makes the invisible visible. She is perpetually at the periphery, creating stepping stones for people to see more, be more, and go further. She is a way-shower, in the truest sense – a pathfinder waking people up to their true leadership."

- Nina, CEO

“Dani is a true genius with language and its applications. Her work is incredible.”

- Richard Rudd, Author of The Gene Keys

"Dani is a fierce cheerleader for linguistic exactitude & the transformation possible therein. In her Quantum Languaging workshop she lovingly encourages small but mighty ways that we might reframe our languaging, and in so doing, alchemize our lives in meaningful and tangible ways. She is a fantastic orator, with a compelling case for clarity. I very much look forward to continuing to learn from her."

-Erica Morton Magill,

Co-Founder Los Angeles Yoga Club

"Dani’s Language of Sovereign Authority webinar was downright AWESOME. I’m loving playing with language to call in a more expansive, unshakeable, fun and embodied experience of sovereignty. With the Powers that Shouldn’t Be attempting to coerce us on the daily to betray ourselves, I’m grateful for these new Languaging hacks to empower me to dismiss this BS through joyfully and intentionally claiming the power and truth that is my birthright. Thank you, Dani!"


What People are Saying About Dani

High praise from visionary leaders, thinkers and wisdom keepers


Richard Rudd

Author, The Gene Keys
“Dani is a true genius with language and its applications. Her work is incredible.”


Miki Willis

Filmmaker, Plandemic
“Dani is a unicorn. Her articulation of truth is uniquely her own dialect. She masterfully weaves hard facts with razor-sharp wit and irony, sweetening the bitter taste of reality.”


Antero Alli

The Eight Circuit Brain
“Katz is a woman on fire...a spokesperson advancing the linguistics of ethics."


Shaman Durek

“Dani understands people at a very deep level. She understands how people communicate, integrate and associate.”


David Martin

M-CAM International
“Dani has taken an invaluable step into illuminating the stage upon which humanity's drama is unfolding.”


Gold Pill Podcast

"The most dangerous woman on the internet.”

Let's Connect

Supercharge your communication game.

Stay informed and empowered with Dani's insights on language, culture and the transformational path.

All Rights Reserved, 2024 | Dani Katz | Quantum Languaging