
Because sharing is caring, and caring is badass, I'm sharing some of my favorite tools, teachings and products with you here, for your acquisitional ease.

Light Phone

Light was born as an alternative to the tech monopolies that are fighting more and more aggressively for our time & attention. Light creates tools that respect you. Objects that empower you to be your best self. Technology intentionally designed to be used as little as possible. Things that serve you, not the other way around.

Light was founded by Joe Hollier and Kaiwei Tang, an artist and product designer who met in a Google experimental program in 2014. They were encouraged to make smartphone apps and taught on a deeper level how and why different products were being built and funded. It became obvious that the last thing the world needed was another smartphone app fighting for our attention. The interests and nature of these ad-driven platforms will never align with our actual quality of life.

Defender Shield

DefenderShield® is proud to offer the most effective EMF protection shielding in the world. We provide functional, state-of-the-art Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) protection for ultimate safety while using today’s modern mobile technology.

Our product lines incorporate a range of different shielding alloys that are scientifically-proven to block specific EMF radiation frequencies used by our smart devices and other electronics. Our products help to reduce your daily exposure to Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation and wireless Radio Frequency (RF) radiation, which includes cellular networks like 5G.

How? By placing our shielding in between your body and EMF-emitting device to help block direct contact with potentially harmful EMF emissions.

Caddis Eye Appliance

Caddis is a mission disguised as eyewear. Join up, tune in, and get inspired by a group of highly intelligent, wildly experienced, and hyper-engaged humans we now call friends.

CADDIS is the anti anti-aging brand. That’s our stance. We want to have an open and frank conversation with you about how absolutely right on it is to be the age we are, right here and now. CADDIS is calling bullshit on 50 is the new 40, on the whole fountain of youth illusion, on the many industries that are profiting on vanity and fear of age, on the concept of “aging gracefully” and on the notion of raging against the dying of the light.

Now is what we got, and now is pretty awesome.

So a group of friends living in Northern California, Southern California, Brooklyn, Park City, and Salt Lake City decided that they would board this spaceship. We set up our warehouse in Salt Lake City because that seems to make more sense than setting up a warehouse in Manhattan or San Francisco.

We began shipping readers in Dec. of 2017, after several years of intense debate on deciding who would take the garbage out.

The bones, joints and mind have been around longer than we could have imagined, but here we all are. All the way alive. We believe that it is time to get real about who we are and where we are in life. Being right here, right now is right on. In spite of the fact that the entire world seems hell-bent on marketing to our long-gone teen vanities or trying to scare us into an early grave.

Gene Keys

I found my way to the Gene Keys in 2010. From the second the shaman I was in session with started reading aloud from the 53rd Gene Key, I was hooked. Every cell in my body sprang to attention, yelling, “This! THIS! More this!”.

I bought the book, used it as an oracle, and didn’t delve into my own hologenetic profile until 2013. Whoa. Mind duly blown, I signed up for all the available courses, which – at that time – were the Activation, Venus and Pearl sequences.

I dove in hard and deep, and have yet to fully resurface, dazzled as I am with this transmission, and all the codes and keys hidden within it. I’ve since logged three Deltas (to date), hopped a border and a couple islands to participate in the first Seven Sacred Seals course on Cortes Island, completed three online Venus Sequence Deep Dives, as well as an Activation and a Pearl.

While I love being able to move through the online courses at my own pace, I get sooooo much out of the community deep dives, wherein we can compare notes in real time during the break-out groups in the community calls, as well as on the forums.

I love how awake, expansive and self-responsible the community is. I feel safe to be my big, messy self within it, and to take the opportunity – by way of these courses, deep dives, and experiences – to mine my shadows for the gifts they hold, and to embody them, and radiate them, while knowing myself deeper, lighter, wholer and wiser Header Nav Bar Completefor the journey that is the Gene Keys. I can honestly say, in my decades of devoted self-mastery work, nothing has proven more transformative than the Gene Keys. It’s nice to have a safe, structured container in which to consciously evolve without having to injure myself, or blow up my life in the process.

As an officially certified Gene Keys guide and affiliate, I am excited to share the Gene Keys love with you. To this end, as you are inspired to delve deeper into the transmission by way of any of the myriad online course offerings, I invite you to click through the links here, on my site, as a means of sharing the love and energy even farther and wider.

Dream Arc Initiation Retreat

Expand your creativity, unlock your intuitive wisdom and connect to the deep ancestral power of the earth and her creatures. Join Richard Rudd & Rosy Aronson on a rich and highly unique journey. The Dream Arc is transformative yet playful, designed to enhance your intuition and face life’s challenges with creativity and versatility. With weekly live events and inspirational resources, our online retreats offer rich experiences for deep personal and collective contemplation.

The Activation Sequence

Discovering your Genius

Our most popular self-study course, this exciting programme provides the perfect introduction to understanding your Gene Keys Profile. Here you will learn how to awaken your 4 Prime Gifts, the cornerstones of your particular genius in life.

The path through your Activation Sequence is a simple, self-teaching journey that comes alive in your life as you walk it. Transform your challenges. Activate your Gifts. Unleash your genius into the world.

The VENUS Sequence

Opening your Heart

One of the deepest inner journeys you will probably ever take, this programme gently guides us into some of the unconscious patterns we each carry deep in our DNA, teaching us to trust in our self love and live with a permanently open heart. The journey through your Venus Sequence is a simple self teaching journey that comes alive in your life as you learn to apply its many insights. Giving you a new vision of what’s possible in your relationships, it has a profound and lasting impact on your life.

The Pearl Sequence

Unlocking Your Prosperity

Offering us a new alternative to chasing success in our outer lives, the Pearl sequence reveals the underlying simplicity of how to truly prosper in your life.

In thIs inspiring self-study programme, you will learn how to decode your Pearl sequence and liberate a new flow of prosperity all around you. This change comes about as you engage the innate lucidity of your natural wisdom and begin applying it to all areas of your life.

The dream arc

Transforming your life through the symbolic power of animals

Do you have an affinity with a particular animal?

The Dream Arc is a journey designed to expand your creativity, unlock your intuitive wisdom and connect you to the deep ancestral power of the earth and her creatures. Accessible, practical and applicable to all, the Dream Arc takes you on a series of self-guided transformative experiences that help to root out unconscious blocks and fears, so that the bright and powerful light of your true nature can shine out clearly in your life. Rich with creative offerings from hundreds of collaborators, musicians and Indigenous wisdom keepers, this is an online course that gets you offline!

Some subjects we explore include enhanced intuition, dream languages, wisdom lineages, transmuting challenge, healing sleep patterns, manifesting inner vision and much more…

The Art of Contemplation

A gentle path to wholeness and prosperity

This online course is a simple introduction to the technique at the core of the Gene Keys. Through a series of step by step resources, this course shows you how to bring the magic of contemplation into every corner of your life, resulting in a deep sense of spaciousness, calm and clarity that is rare in our modern world. This versatile online course combines “The Art of Contemplation” text from the book with each chapter available as an audio file, read by Richard Rudd. Additionally each module offers practical guidance with ‘Contemplation in Action’ sections to help you integrate the art of contemplation into your daily life. Includes over 20 simple techniques to help you cultivate your own Contemplation practice.

The delta

A Game of Collective Transformation

In this life-changing game, players gather in groups of 7, exploring 7 themes over 7 weeks in a syncopated rhythm, creating a very real experience of higher harmony that touches all areas of your life. Whether you already have a group ready to play, or you are ready to dive in and find others in our global community, the Delta Programme is a profound opportunity for collective transformation. This newly updated course is now available for a one-time fee.

Buy the course, learn the dance moves, and play the game time and time again!

The Guides Program

Become a Gene Keys Guide

The Gene Keys Guides Programme is a self study course that demonstrates how to guide others into the Gene Keys wisdom, with a strong emphasis on embodiment. Having completed this course, you will be empowered to share any aspect of the Gene Keys that you have studied with us. This comprehensive programme also gives you the creative freedom, skills and experience necessary to create a flourishing business with the Gene Keys.

The seven sacred seals

The Mystical Transmission of Grace

The Seven Sacred Seals are a mystical wisdom that dovetails beautifully into the Gene Keys. Their primary purpose is to catalyse the awakening of the heart. This is an amazing program with many levels and dimensions. It is original, inspiring, profound and can be a great comfort to us as we deal with the many challenges that life brings. Appropriate for all levels.

dare to be divine

A journey into the infinite potential hidden inside you

This 4-part program offers a unique insight into the true magical roots of the universe. Richard Rudd takes us on a guided journey through the 64 expressions of enlightened consciousness and reveals a vast view of the true potential of humanity. Using his mystical, poetic insight, Richard shows us the many facets of enlightenment in its varied colours, expressions and hues, from the wildest states of miraculous God-intoxication to the humblest lives of service and silence.

The Epiphany Experience

Awakening the Power of Awe in your Life

An ideal introduction to the Gene Keys – where they come from, how they work and how to apply them to your life. Uniting the power of contemplation, illumination and discourse the Gene Keys Epiphany Experience is designed to create the maximum impact possible in your life in a short space of time. Recorded during a live 2 day Epiphany course with Richard Rudd, you get access to these digital resources: 6 videos, supporting handouts, a recorded Q & A session, and the ‘Invocations’ audios Featuring Music by Entheo.

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