Level-Up Your Languaging, Elevate Your Communications, and Empower Yourself with Your Every Word

WORD UP: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change

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Unveil the secrets of the coding hidden inside every word.

WORD UP: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change

introduces you to the energetic frequencies embedded in language, while teaching you the art of using language to shape your thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and relationships, and to create a reality shaped by joy, peace, health, empowerment and abundance. 

This handbook is tailored for those brave, bold badasses ready to overcome the following challenges:

You feel stuck, and supremely frustrated, as you continue to repeat the same self-sabotaging patterns, despite all the work you’ve done on yourself.

You’ve healed, transmuted and learned soooo much about yourself. And yet, you’re still repeating the same patterns, still wrestling with the same issues, and still not living a meaningful life you absolutely love.

You’re thoroughly OVER compromising, playing small and going along to get along.

You’re thoroughly OVER compromising, playing small and going along to get along.

How long have you been holding back, biting your tongue, pretending to fit into so many boxes that can’t possibly contain the multidimensional awesomeness that is you? Are you ready to embrace your totality, speak your truth, own your perspectives and live as a fully expressed, outrageously confident YOU?

How long have you been holding back, biting your tongue, pretending to fit into so many boxes that can’t possibly contain the multidimensional awesomeness that is you? Are you ready to embrace your totality, speak your truth, own your perspectives and live as a fully expressed, outrageously confident YOU?

You want to help heal the world situation. To be an integral part of the solutions that allow humanity to unify, transmute and thrive. But, you’re not sure how.

You know you are here to help steward this INCREDIBLE planetary transformation we are together navigating. You want nothing more than to contribute to the awakening, to this quantum leap that we humans are together making, and yet, you’ve no idea where to start. You are ready to let go of victimhood, and embrace your agency as an empowered reality creator. You’re maxed out on your own victim stories, and the lackluster life you’ve outgrown. You are ready to claim your empowerment and your agency, and get to consciously creating the life of your dreams.

You are ready to let go of victimhood, and embrace your agency as an empowered reality creator.

You’re maxed out on your own victim stories, and the lackluster life you’ve outgrown. You are ready to claim your empowerment and your agency, and get to consciously creating the life of your dreams.

You’re ready to uplevel your communication habits.

It all sounds great in your head. But, when it comes to communicating with others, your ideas don’t seem to land in the ways you intended. Your subpar communication skills are affecting your career, your relationships and your happiness, and you’re ready to try a new way.

You’re tired of wasting your precious life force on status quo, compromise, mediocre and meh.

You tried settling for a safe and semi-satisfying life, but your great, big beautiful soul just isn’t having it. You feel stifled and contracted, unseen and unexpressed. And you KNOW it’s time to switch it up.

Can you relate to any of the above sentiments?

Prepare to expand your mind and Empower Yourself (+ the World) with...

WORD UP: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change

In a world where the power of language is a tightly guarded secret, and crappy communication habits are the norm, there lies an extraordinary key to unlocking your fullest potential by way of words. Words are not just tools; they are the vehicles that transport our thoughts, shape our realities, and sculpt our destinies. 

However, most of us are still in the dark when it comes to using language as reality creation technology to create the lives of our dreams. And, even when we do pick up bits and pieces about the power of language to transform, it doesn’t seem to work for us, because despite how many times we affirm that something wonderful is going to happen, it doesn’t.

This is why I’m excited to introduce a solution that not only addresses these challenges, but propels you toward a new realm of communication excellence. Welcome to the world of Quantum Languaging, where words become the key that unlocks a surge of confidence, as well as impactful exchanges and empowering conversations. With WORD UP: LITTLE LANGUAGING HACKS FOR BIG CHANGE, you will find yourself resourced and inspired to transform yourself and your reality by mastering the art of Quantum Languaging.

This book will help you understand how words function as reality creation technology, and how to use them to create the reality you want to be living in. You will learn how the coding embedded in language shapes every aspect of our reality construct, whether expressed through writing, speech, or the ideas silenting looping inside the confines of our minds. By implementing the simple, accessible solutions compiled in this handbook, you will quickly see the power Quantum Languaging has to transform yourself and you life for the infinitely more wonderful.

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Available in paperback, eBook and audiobook.


Order Your Copies TODAY! Available in paperback, ebook and audiobook, for your Quantum Languaging mastering ease.


Discover the power of language in WORD UP, featuring LITTLE LANGUAGING HACKS you can start using TODAY to experience PROFOUND shifts in communication and personal growth!

Here's what a few readers have to say about this ground-breaking handbook:

Enter the magic world of master-wordsmith, Dani Katz, where simple communication tweaks produce transcendental changes. Follow her quirky, entertaining path and watch your world change.

- Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. Author of The Big Leap and Conscious Loving

Dani Katz's voice is indispensable. She understands the music and philosophy of language like few others and she's magnanimous to share her mastery. A sensei's guidebook.

– Joe Donnelly, author of L.A. Man

I am a word person…I have always been fascinated by the power of language, and its layered rhythms and effects on the psyche and its under-estimated influence in the world. With that in mind I approached Dani’s book wondering what the hell she could offer. Frankly, I am amazed at what she has wrought. It is so original, so deft, so sweetly illuminating and even scholarly, so fun, that I am happy to recommend it to all comers who want to expand their language wisdom.

– Jay Levin, founder of LA Weekly

"This little book is far more powerful than one might first realize. Sometimes the smallest changes have the greatest effects, and Dani's little language hacks can change a biting argument into a heart-opening experience. Our whole life is built upon our inner language, so why not refine yours until it shimmers like a jewel? This book can help in that regard. I love it!"

- Richard Rudd, author of The Gene Keys and The Art of Contemplation 

Katz’s reverence for the power of language is delightful, infectious and profoundly timely. In this deceptively simple little book, she guides the reader to grok that our every word is precious, powerful and alive with transformative potential.

– Guru Singh

For me, what makes it stand out is the presentation: It's poppy, fun, punk, cute, quirky, approachable, friendly, and most of all INSPIRING in delivering the message that the timing is ripe for us to empower ourselves, take charge of the new NOW, and start dreamifesting the world we are ready to recieve.

– Davin Boerstler

Discover the power of language in WORD UP, featuring LITTLE LANGUAGING HACKS you can start using TODAY to experience PROFOUND shifts in communication and personal growth

Here's what a few discerning readers have to say about this groundbreaking handbook:

Enter the magic world of master-wordsmith, Dani Katz, where simple communication tweaks produce transcendental changes. Follow her quirky, entertaining path and watch your world change.

- Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. Author of The Big Leap and Conscious Loving

Dani Katz's voice is indispensable. She understands the music and philosophy of language like few others and she's magnanimous to share her mastery. A sensei's guidebook.

– Joe Donnelly, author of L.A. Man

I am a word person…I have always been fascinated by the power of language, and its layered rhythms and effects on the psyche and its under-estimated influence in the world. With that in mind I approached Dani’s book wondering what the hell she could offer. Frankly, I am amazed at what she has wrought. It is so original, so deft, so sweetly illuminating and even scholarly, so fun, that I am happy to recommend it to all comers who want to expand their language wisdom.

– Jay Levin, founder of LA Weekly

"This little book is far more powerful than one might first realize. Sometimes the smallest changes have the greatest effects, and Dani's little language hacks can change a biting argument into a heart-opening experience. Our whole life is built upon our inner language, so why not refine yours until it shimmers like a jewel? This book can help in that regard. I love it!"

- Richard Rudd, author of The Gene Keys and The Art of Contemplation 

Katz’s reverence for the power of language is delightful, infectious and profoundly timely. In this deceptively simple little book, she guides the reader to grok that our every word is precious, powerful and alive with transformative potential.

– Guru Singh

For me, what makes it stand out is the presentation: It's poppy, fun, punk, cute, quirky, approachable, friendly, and most of all INSPIRING in delivering the message that the timing is ripe for us to empower ourselves, take charge of the new NOW, and start dreamifesting the world we are ready to recieve.

– Davin Boerstler

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Equal parts thought leader, trailblazer, and word wizard, I’ve made a name for myself in the realms of conscious communication, and metaphysical linguistics. A fierce, heart-centered cheerleader for humanity’s freedom, empowerment, and win-win solutioning, I have devoted my career to empowering leaders, disruptors, and rebel badasses with the tools, skills, and confidence necessary to thrive as conscious reality creators.

My broad spectrum of practical experience and formal studies (including a Master’s degree in journalism), combined with a pronounced passion for the metaphysical, inspired my ever-deepening fascination with the energetic frequencies of words. Devoted to understanding how language programs the subconscious mind, and creates the world as we know it, my incessant investigations lead me to develop Quantum Languaging – a method of deconstructing and perfecting the myriad ways, whys, and hows words shape our every human experience.

As a Quantum Languaging consultant and transformational coach, I teach visionary leaders, needle-movers, and rebel badasses how to transform themselves and the world with their every word. This includes teaching workshops, webinars, and courses, in addition to coaching and consulting, and writing books (WORD UP: LITTLE LANGUAGING HACKS FOR BIG CHANGE, POP PROPAGANDA: AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE, THE LANGUAGE OF BETTERARCHY)

I always recommend that people who aren’t familiar with my work (and even those who are!) start with WORD UP: LITTLE LANGUAGING HACKS FOR BIG CHANGE. The book outlines the basics tenets of Quantum Languaging, while offering simple upgrades for the most common languaging pitfalls I’ve observed in my 18 years of word wizardry. Join me on this transformative journey, as I toss some linguistic novelty into our collective mix to close the gaping hole in our lexicon in my groundbreaking book, WORD UP: LITTLE LANGUAGING HACKS FOR BIG CHANGE.


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Within these Transformational Pages Lie


Part 1: The Fundamentals

In the foundational section of WORD UP: LITTLE LANGUAGING HACKS FOR BIG CHANGE, you'll delve into the core principles at the heart of Quantum Languaging. You will learn how language programs the subconscious mind, ourselves and our audience, as well as the world at large.

Part 2: Words To Avoid

Unearth the hidden pitfalls of language as we dissect commonly used words that are absolutely sabotaging your communication. This section illuminates the patterns that are hindering your communications, while providing alternatives to uplift, expand and amplify your impact.

Part 3: Idioms, Expressions, Check-Outs + Other Communication Habits To Avoid

Discover the subtle sabotage codes that some of our most common idioms and expressions carry, and unravel the impact these communication habits are having on your life. This section goes beyond individual words, shedding light on broader linguistic patterns that are hindering your health, efficacy, relationships and self-esteem.

PART 4: Communication Tools to Add to the Arsenal

Equip yourself with a powerful set of communication tools designed to enhance your linguistic prowess. This section doubles as a practical toolkit curated to reprogram your thoughts, elevate your communication skills and foster impactful connections.

Part 5: Quantum Languaging Concepts to Consider

This section challenge traditional linguistic norms and invites you to consider new paradigms of thought and speech that will absolutely revolutionize the way you express yourself and connect with others.

Part 1: The Fundamentals

In the foundational section of WORD UP: LITTLE LANGUAGING HACKS FOR BIG CHANGE, you'll delve into the core principles at the heart of Quantum Languaging. You will learn how language programs the subconscious mind, ourselves and our audience, as well as the world at large. 

Part 2: Words To Avoid

Unearth the hidden pitfalls of language as we dissect commonly used words that are absolutely sabotaging your communication. This section illuminates the patterns that are hindering your communications, while providing alternatives to uplift, expand and amplify your impact.

Part 3: Idioms, Expressions, Check-Outs + Other Communication Habits To Avoid

Discover the subtle sabotage codes that some of our most common idioms and expressions carry, and unravel the impact these communication habits are having on your life. This section goes beyond individual words, shedding light on broader linguistic patterns that are hindering your health, efficacy, relationships and self-esteem.

PART 4: Communication Tools to Add to the Arsenal

Equip yourself with a powerful set of communication tools designed to enhance your linguistic prowess. This section doubles as a practical toolkit curated to reprogram your thoughts, elevate your communication skills and foster impactful connections.

Part 5: Quantum Languaging Concepts to Consider

This section challenge traditional linguistic norms and invites you to consider new paradigms of thought and speech that will absolutely revolutionize the way you express yourself and connect with others.

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Within These Transformational Pages Lie

The Keys to Unlocking Your Own Personal Power

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